Term & Payment
The membership term of SICOT is one year, from 1 January to 31 December. Payment of membership dues entitles the Member to receive, without additional charge, all society publications corresponding to the period of the paid dues. Payment should be made no later than 31 March of any given year. The Member will thereafter be considered to have resigned and will be removed from the roster of the Society. Any exemption from or reduction of dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Members may terminate their membership at any time by tendering their resignation to the Secretary General, or by failing to pay their dues within six months of the due date. They may not claim any reimbursement of dues and their membership will end on 31 December of the year when the resignation was requested. New members only may cancel their membership and request a refund within 2 weeks of the payment date. No refund will be made under any circumstances after these 2 weeks.
After having been allowed to state his/her case to the Board of Directors, a Member may be expelled in a secret ballot by a four-fifths majority of the votes cast by the International Council in a meeting called specifically for the purpose. No expelled Member, former Member or heir of a deceased Member has any entitlement to the privileges of the Society. They may not claim any share of the funds, any reimbursement of dues or payment of any other kind.
For more information about SICOT membership, please send an e-mail to: hq@sicot.org